Model 1126
Grounding Rod only
Squeeze Off tool not included


Polyethylene plastic used in manufacturing gas pipe has many advantages over steel and other materials. However, one disadvantage is the potentially dangerous buildup caused by gas flowing through this non-conductive material. The possibility of static electric discharge during squeeze-off of PE gas pipe is now recognized and addressed by gas utilities and pipe manufacturers. If the squeeze tool is properly grounded, the discharge will move through the squeeze tool to the earth.

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  • High tech plastic construction insulates the squeeze off tool from static electricity
  • Although the Otech Polyethylene Service Line Squeeze Off Tool snap on jaws are made of non-conductive material, it is still advised that the operator use a grounding rod to protect against static discharge.

Sufficient gas flow To cause extensive turbulence, such as the reduced area of pipe during squeeze-off.
Accessories An optional grounding rod is recommended